Rengkok is a city and region located somewhere in Southeast Asia. The name is used both for the region and the city, but both seem to refer primarily to the city itself; little is known about the Rengkok region outside the city limits.
Rengkok City is a vast urban sprawl that was effectively taken over by Heaven through economic investment and used to develop Virtuality without ethical constraints. Heaven uses its power over the region to protect its business interests and preserve the BOSS' power. Life in the city is defined by how much Karma someone has; Karma is tracked via a chip implanted in each citizen, and the more Karma someone has, the better their living conditions.
A vast urban sprawl in Southeast Asia. Not exactly the center of the known universe, but cheap labor, low taxes, unbridled corruption and no respect for the rule of law has made it a paradise for uncontrolled business expansion. Thus it became the center of the Virtuality boom.
The city is divided into districts. Your Karma status dictates where you can and can't live. Level 1 people are consigned to the lowliest areas, while a privileged few are allowed to live in the wealthy central districts. The CMS (Citizen Management System) effectively controls citizens' lives.